Perfume garden

Perfume garden

Since the dawn of time, people have been attracted by the fragrance of plants and have used them
to produce essences and scented waters linked to luxury, seduction and to the language of

We decided to create a perfume garden to encourage our visitors to be more attentive to the smells that surround us: to smell what surrounds us is to be in touch with our environment and with others, it is to plead for a better society, of which gardens are an integral part.

We have limited ourselves to plants adapted to our soil and climate, not wishing to present exotic plants, which are certainly very famous in the perfume industry, but impossible to present without an artificial installation with a high carbon footprint and therefore in
and therefore not in line with our environmental ethics.

Nevertheless, you will find many plants used in the perfume industry and making the wealth of important perfumeries in the region of Grasse (Alpes maritimes).